2024/25Real Estate Poetry
2023Staging the Moon: Resource Extraction Beyond Earth, with Francelle Cane, (Leipzig: Spector Books)
Edited Issues
e-flux Architecture “Off-Earth,” guest editor, with contributions by Thandi Loewenson, Bethany Rigby, Megan Eardley, Fred Scharmen, Rory Rowan, and Ana Maria Gomez Lopez
ARCH+ 253 The Great Repair: A Catalog of Practices (Member of extended editoral team with Florian Hertweck, Christian Hiller, Markus Krieger, Alex Nehmer, Anh-Linh Ngo, Milica Topalović, and Nazli Tümerdem)
2023ARCH+ 250 The Great Repair: Politics for the Repair Society. A Reader (Member of extended editoral team with Florian Hertweck, Christian Hiller, Markus Krieger, Alex Nehmer, Anh-Linh Ngo, Milica Topalović, and Nazli Tümerdem)
Book Chapters
2025“(Real Estate) Form Follows Media” in Architecture and Real Estate, eds. Gregorio Astengo and Davide Spina (Zurich: gta Verlag)
2023“Blockchain and the Real-Estate-Media Complex” in Datapolis: Exploring the Footprint of Data on Our Planet and Beyond, eds. Paul Cournet and Negar Sanaan Bensi (Rotterdam: Nai Publishers)
2023“Always Already Obsolete,” with Florian Hertweck in Technical Lands: A Critical Primer, eds. Jeffrey Nesbit and Charles Waldheim (Berlin: Jovis)2018“Real Estate Fiction” in House Tour: Views of the Unfurnished Interior, ed. Adam Jasper (Zurich: Park Books)
Journal Articles and Essays
2023“Housing for a Lonely Generation: Co-Living Platforms and the Real-Estate-Media Complex,” Footprint 32
2023“From Architectural Work of Repair to the Repair of Architectural Work,” ARCH+ 250
2022“Bricks, Blocks, and (Block)Chains,” Log 55
2018“Real Estate Fiction. An Outline for a New Literary Genre,” Thresholds 46
2018“In Defence of the Poor Text,” trans 33
2017“Observations on Real-Estate Realism,” Log 41
2017“Follow that Big Yellow Duck: On Jokes and Urban Commons,” trans 31
2016“Student kao (ne)radnik/Studentkinja kao (ne)radnica,” ZENT 2
2013“Empty Lots,” Moinopolis 2 [with visual contribution by Daniel Traub]
Text Installations
2019“Live, Work, and Play. A Real Estate Poem,” Avery Shorts, Season 3
2018“Feminist Stuff,” Site 38
2017“Three Empty Pages. On Not Writing,” PLAT 6
Selected Interviews
2024“Follow the Dirt: Worlding Soils in Post-Mining Minett” [with Cesar Reyes Najera and David Peleman], KoozArch (Interviewed by Shumi Bose)
2024“Architects Against Commodification,” Protocol 14 (Interviewed by Sarah Silbernagel)
2023“Kontextur: Marija Marić,” kntxtr (Interviewed by Katharina Benjamin and Angelika Hinterbrandner)
2023“Down to Earth: The Moon as a Comrade Against Capitalist Extraction,” KoozArch (Interview by Federica Zambeletti)
2023“Der Mond als Tankstelle zum Mars” with Francelle Cane, TAZ (Interview by Maxi Broecking)
2023Andrew L. Russel and Stefan Krebs in conversation with Florian Hertweck and Marija Marić, “Maintenance, Care, and Repair Are Today’s Key Values,” ARCH+ 250